This site-specific work transports the viewer. The geo-location identified here – in gold leaf and within the slide viewer – references the exact spot on the globe opposite to where the viewer stands.
... correspondence is about the ways along which lives, in their perpetual unfolding or becoming, simultaneously join together and differentiate themselves, one from another. This shift from interaction to correspondence entails a fundamental reorientation, brom the between-ness of beings and things to thier in-between-ness.
Ingold 2020, Correspondences p. 9
antipode | slide viewer, slide, goldleaf | dimensions variable | 2019 | photographed by Create Create
antipode (onsite) | 2019 | photographed by Create Create
antipode (detail) | 2019 | photographed by Create Create
antipode (detail) | 2019 | photographed by Create Create