Title | hand-pulled screen print | 2009 | 00 x 00 cm | AP | acquired 2009 | photographed by the artist

Jamie’s work is rooted in comics, but rejects sequential illustration, ‘plot’ or single narratives, and is instead focused solely on intricately designed locations or environments. The images work together in the aim of building a comprehensive picture of a personal urban cosmology; an imagined, but contemporary and global city, built out of his influences and lived experience of a range of places – Scotland, Minneapolis, Japan. Functioning in a similar way to the open-world environments of the current generation of videogames (like Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto V), his work aims for the possibility that viewers might put themselves in, and imaginatively navigate the spaces he constructs.

excerpt taken from Jamie Kinroy’s website
Jamie and I have studied together Drawing and Painting at Edinburgh College of Art graduating in 2010. Jamie’s work ethic, process, interest and light I found infectious. I look at his work and feel invigorated with hope and intent on my own ideas and making. This work is of particular importance to me as it reminds me of Edinburgh which is the cradle city which challenged me into the art world. Lothian Road here becomes a baserock of other cities, places, and ideas. Now I see that there is a correspondence unfolding here, with the fleeting. I treasure the stillness with which Jamie has and can capture this.

Further Reading  | Jamie Kinroy



All artwork © Joseph Calleja | Please do not download, reproduce or share without permission

Studio 73|75|77
77 Mgarr Road Qala Gozo Malta